If you need to earn cash fast and increase your income instantly in order to pay back debt, the Internet has many opportunities. In real life, you may need to go on interviews and apply for multiple jobs in person, but online you can often land small paying jobs almost instantly. The Internet is full of people who need help instantly – and are willing to pay for it.
The first thing to do is to determine what you can offer online. You can act as a personal assistant, do online odd jobs (such as research or online shopping), sell photos or written content. You can tutor someone or offer classes. The sky is really the limit. Once you know what you can do online, you can either place an ad on a site such as craigslist or a similar site or you can look for existing ads looking for people with your qualifications. When answering ads, make sure that you always create a contract between you and your new employer (and this contract should stipulate when you will be paid and how much). Also, never pay for a job opportunity. Once you land a job, complete the work, send in an invoice, and get paid.