Victims of financial fraud often find themselves with loans in their name (loans they did not apply for), ruined credit ratings, lost assets, and unauthorized charges on their credit cards. Financial fraud comes in many forms. It can include skimming (small charged withdrawn from your credit card or accounts), identity theft, loan scams, and other types of fraud. If you have been the victim of financial fraud, you will need to:
Contact your banks. You will need to report any fraudulent activity to your banks and you will want to make changes to your bank accounts so that fraudsters cannot access your accounts.
Report the crime. You will need to report the fraud to the bank or company it concerns (for example, if someone opened a telephone account in your name, contact your phone company). You may also want to file a police report so that police can seek the criminals and prevent them from harming you or others.
Keep good records and follow up. Keep records of everyone you speak to at your bank or your other companies, as well as copies of any documentation (including police records) that prove the crime. Follow up to make sure that everything possible is done to find the perpetrators and that everything possible is done to compensate you.